
Living Abroad

The Irony of a Quarantine

“OMG! I need to go out! I can’t stay home! I can’t stay put! I gotta do something! I can’t stay still!” — do any of these statements sound familiar?

I do think the memes are funny, however, as I watch how a lot of people are responding to the mandatory or self-quarantine requirements, Alanis Morissette’s song “Ironic” keeps playing on my head…

“Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?
It’s like rain on your wedding day
It’s a free ride when you’ve already paid
It’s the good advice that you just didn’t take … Who would’ve thought, it figures”

Throughout any other year, when no virus threatened human existence, and we didn’t have a choice but keep working and looking forward to our batches of limited time off, all of us kept repeating how we wished we could take a break from work and just have some time to organize our lives. Closet. Papers. Blog. Catch up on our reading. Binge watch our favorite show. Bond with our kids. Nap. Eat healthier. Stay home doing nothing.

Then, finally, in 2020, we’ve been collectively granted that time. And what do most of us do? COMPLAIN ABOUT THE FACT THAT WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO! 


“Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?”

The reason we’ve been asked to stay home is scary and sad, and the near future may be bleak for a while. Yet, this is an opportunity to organize our lives. Closet. Papers. Blog. Catch up on our reading. Binge watch our favorite show. Bond with our kids. Nap. Eat healthier. Stay home doing nothing. And, most importantly, DO RIGHT BY OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS. The ones who cannot count on a strong ass immune system to protect them.

My takeaway from this unexpected historical moment of crisis?

*We always want what we don’t have
*We take our freedom for granted
*We make a compassionate team but for a few rotten “teammates”


*There’s no point in worrying about things we can’t control — This type of concern will only give you anxiety. Anxiety will mess up your immune system. A messed up immune system can’t fight a viral infection. Therefore, chill.

How about you, peeps? What are your thoughts on all of this?